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Guava Jelly

Wash very ripe guavas and remove the skin and eyes. Cut into halves and place them in a saucepan and put water about 2 inches above the guavas. Boil till the guavas are soft. Then remove the guavas carefully with a spoon, draining them as you remove one by one. Now allow the liquid to settle. Then tie a piece of coarse cloth to a saucepan and strain this liquid without stirring the sediment. Leave the sediment aside for your jam.

Now weigh this liquid and for every cup of it add a cup of sugar. Keep it on the fire and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add the juice of a lime or half a lime, according to the quantity. Stir for about 5 minutes, then let it go on boiling.

As soon as it starts foaming up, stir or lift up with a ladle and pour it back. Go on doing this for some minutes lest it overflows. Then take a saucer with a little water. Put a drop of this jelly into it. If it dissolves it is not ready. Test it from time to time until a drop settles like a bead and does not dissolve even if you shake the saucer. As soon as a drop settles, take saucepan off the fire immediately lest it turn rubbery. When still warm, bottle it, leaving the bottle open till it is cold.




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